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Chapter 13 is a reorganization bankruptcy, which allows for protection from creditor's collection efforts and for a controlled repayment of debts, most often at a very small fraction of what is owed.  Chapter 13 does not involve liquidation or loss of assets.  

  • Credit cards
  • Personal/unsecured loans
  • Medical bills
  • Past due utility bills
  • Debt which forms the basis of judgments and garnishments
  • Loan deficiency debt 
  • Mortgages
  • Auto loans

Chapter 7 allows an individual to a make a fresh start by legally eliminating, or "discharging", debt.  Chapter 7 can eliminate most, if not all, of your debts. It is a quick and powerful tool to put an end to financial stress, release financial obligations for unwanted real or personal property, and stop harassing creditor phone calls.  

A Chapter 7 allows you to eliminate, or "discharge", debts such as: 

Creditors or hired debt collectors can be relentless in their attempts to collect on debts.  They may call you at home and at work at all hours of the day.  They may even call friends and family.  If you are exhausted by creditor phone calls and threatening collection letters, we can help.  Whether you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the relief from creditor harassment is immediate.

Call us at 616.389.0629 to discuss your options and how we can immediately stop creditor harassment.

Stop Creditor Harassment - Immediate Relief

The Law Offices of Ryan F. Beach PLLC

​R | F | B

Creative and Compassionate Solutions.

Copyright Ryan Beach Law - Grand Rapids Bankruptcy Attorney 

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